The Caregiver Project is an online writing workshop for those who, in taking on the care of another or others, may have lost much of their former lifestyle and social activities and supports, and, consequently, may be feeling stressed and isolated.
These workshops are open to personal and professional caregivers who are currently providing care, or who have provided care in the past, those who provide daily care and those who provide care less frequently, those who are caring for someone they live with and those who provide care from afar — all caregiving experiences are welcome. Connect, express yourself, and have affirmed, through bearing witness and having your writing listened to, that you are not alone.
You do not need to consider yourself a writer to join and benefit from these workshops. The AWA Method has a proven track record of holding a safe, generative, and supportive space where both writers and writing can flourish.
What Can I Expect During the Workshop?
These groups are offered via Zoom and are structured by the AWA Method. During the two hours, you’ll write in workshop to prompts provided by the facilitator. The prompts are optional – you are welcome to write whatever you have come to write.
Depending on the size of the group, you may stay together in one group or you may break into small, facilitated groups to read aloud what you’ve just written. If you choose to share, you will receive feedback from the small group on what is strong and memorable in your first draft work.
What Is the Cost?
The cost is $20 US. No one will be turned away because of financial challenges. If your income has been affected by caregiving and you cannot pay, please email gail.cunningham.01 (at) gmail.com and a scholarship will be provided.
*New* AWA Writer Members can use any or all of their eight free writes toward Caregiver Project Single Session Workshops. A Writer Membership is $50 US and includes many other benefits. Click here to learn more or join.
- Monday February 3 with Sue and Beth Lehman at 6:30 pm EST
- Wednesday Feb 12 with Carla Hanson and Sarah Kerr at 1:00 EST
- Thursday February 20 with Carla and Sarah Kerr at 6:30 EST
- Sunday February 23 with Susan Wingert and Beth Lehman at 1:00 EST
Our 4 week Caregiver Project series will resume in March 2025
Research has shown expressive writing is associated with fewer visits to the doctor because of stress-related illness, improved immune system functioning, reduced blood pressure, improved lung and liver function, improved mood and affect, and a feeling of greater psychological well-being. We have been collecting data anonymously from these workshops for the last two years, and the findings about the benefits are very impressive! These findings have been presented at academic conferences. You can view them at these links: