Event Calendar

Looking for Write Around the World events, our marathon of near-daily writing groups offered by-donation throughout the month of May?

We’re posting those to this special calendar! 

Otherwise, please browse writing opportunities offered by AWA Affiliates (in purple) and other AWA events (in orange) below.

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Creative Gateways to Your Purpose and Power:
Writing, Art, Astrology & Yoga
with Emily Trinkaus, Aaron Zimmerman and Lisa Sonora

Creative Gateways to Your Purpose and Power: 
Writing, Art, Astrology & Yoga 
with Emily Trinkaus, Aaron Zimmerman and Lisa Sonora

A New Year’s Retreat in Oaxaca, Mexico, January 3-9, 2018

Click here for full details and to register!

The New Year is a time of visioning, going deep within, getting clarity and planting seeds for what you want to create in 2018. Treat yourself to the time and space to pause and reconnect with who you really are in an environment of warmth, beauty and inspiration. This creativity retreat will help you find clarity about your ever-evolving purpose and access your internal resources, so you can be of service in the world in meaningful and fulfilling ways.

Creative Gateways offers a rare opportunity to work with and be inspired by three experienced and compassionate facilitators whose work is aligned with their life’s passion and purpose.

This retreat weaves together the transformative power of creative writing, visual art, astrology and yoga to allow you to drop into your body’s wisdom, hear the voice of your intuition, and replenish your creative well. You’ll be immersed in a fun, encouraging, and supportive environment where you can listen to all the parts of yourself, create with freedom and joy, and see the bigger picture.

Our days will be spent in the practices of creative writing, art and yoga, plus group excursions and other activities, with plenty of time to explore Oaxaca. You’ll have the freedom and permission to use the time on retreat however is best for you.

Absolutely no previous experience in writing, art, yoga or astrology is needed!


Writing – guided by Aaron Zimmerman

We will write together daily in a safe and encouraging environment designed to create space to allow our creativity to flow freely. The workshop will allow writers of all backgrounds, ages, experience levels, and genres to work together and grow as writers.

By listening deeply to ourselves and each other, we will allow our voices to emerge, expand, and have deep impact. All of our workshop sessions will use the Amherst Writers and Artists writing workshop method, created by Pat Schneider and described in her book Writing Alone and With Others.


Mixed-Media Visual Journaling – guided by Lisa Sonora

Lisa will show you how to transform big, unassuming pieces of blank paper into collaged, painted and inked pieces that automagically become the pages of your Wisdom Journal. Once we’ve assembled our books and put the pages into order, we’ll download our guidance with a variety of prompts and potent questions that Wisdom loves to be asked. Voila! Let the Wisdom we seek be revealed!Creating a Wisdom Journal taps into your intuitive, imaginative and creative powers as you play with all manner of art supplies in the least intimidating and most freeing ways possible. It’s easy to access this wisdom waiting to guide you. It’s right here inside you. Hiding in unexpected turns of phrase, in daring splotches of color, and bold mark-making.


Yin Yoga & Meditation – guided by Emily Trinkaus

Yin Yoga is a gentle, slow-moving and deeply relaxing practice, where we hold simple and accessible poses for 3-5 minutes at a time. The focus in Yin is on how you FEEL rather than how the pose looks, supporting you to turn your attention inward and listen to your body’s wisdom. We’ll follow each yoga practice with a short meditation. These sessions will help you calm your mind and drop into a deeper level of knowing and guidance.


Personal Astrology Readings – by Emily

Each retreat participant will receive an individual, one-hour astrology reading, tailored to your specific needs. Astrology is a powerful tool for identifying your gifts and mission, and how your individual story intersects with the unfolding collective drama. Your reading will also help you understand the meaning and purpose of the current time period, and how you can best access and utilize the available energies.


This retreat is for you if you want to:

  • Return to your center and uncover your inner guidance
  • Unleash the power of your creativity
  • Rekindle your passion and purpose
  • Clarify your priorities and next steps for the new year
  • Spark your enthusiasm and inspiration
  • Rest, regenerate and recharge your batteries
  • Recalibrate your direction and focus
  • Take a break from your ordinary reality and the everyday demands of your life
  • Be a part of a community of like-minded, creative people
VenueOaxaca, Mexico
StartsWed Jan 3 2018
EndsTue Jan 9 2018